
鱼丸粗面 2019-04-28 16:28:07

apex英雄的工作室前一段时间就表示不会每周更新一次游戏内容,同时暗暗嘲讽了一下其他公司对员工的压迫,而上周三没有等来官方的更新日志,反而在周五等带来Reddit 社区 Apex 板块社区经理 JayFresh 和 dko的一波内容丰富的实时问答,感兴趣的小伙伴快来看看吧。


在访谈内容之前官方还是照例发布了一篇长文,Respawn 这个工作室的尿性就是废话比较多,下面是官方发布的前戏,无聊的话可以看一下。



自 Apex Legends 游戏公测之后,在很多方面的数据都远远超出了我们的预期。首月突破五千万的玩家增量对于任何一个游戏工作室来讲都是惊人的数据。更不用说来自 Respawn 这样一个相对较小的工作室。


我们尽全力想让 Apex Legends 拥有可持续的长期发展,并保证每天数百万人的游戏体验。因此,今天开发者访谈的目的就在于让大家了解到我们的一些工作内容,以及团队目前的定位。

在很短的时间内获得巨大的玩家基础意味着我们不得不面对海量的bug、 补丁、作弊、反作弊以及其他更多的问题,我们必须要分配资源去解决这些海量的意料之外的问题。自推出以来,我们已经发布了一系列解决方案和客户端补丁。虽然在迈向更健康的游戏方面取得了一些良好的进展,但随着社区的发展,出现了更多需要解决的问题。 我们一直在内部全面改进我们的流程。同时,我们要优先考虑的一些关键事项如下:









当然,除了解决游戏问题外,我们知道大家都希望有更多新内容新玩法出现。但是我们的程序员也是人,希望大家体量一下,在保证工作室程序员大哥们存活的前提下,我们的长期目标是确保 Apex Legends 始终保持活力和蓬勃发展,专注于内容质量而不是新鲜劲儿或发布速度。









Q:Can you provide any commentary on the potential to see more stats? Such as total wins?

A:We've heard the feedback loud and clear.



Q:Have you seen this post from the front page?I know you won’t comment on specifics, but there are a lot of great QOL ideas as well as needed bug fixes here that we hope you are aware of

jayfresh:Oh yeah, I love that post. Awesome to see you folks put clean lists like this together and use upvoting that helps us understand what priorities are from players POV. Team is well aware of this. Thanks to everyone for putting it together and sharing.

dko5:Very aware of that list.You should see our internal list:)



dko5:看过,你应该看看我们内部的 to do list.(笑 【意思大概是内部的表格会更加清晰明确?】

Q:Hey guys,Any news on mouse/aim sensitivity being affected by FOV changes such as Bangalores passive and Bloodhounds ultimate? Can we get a slider added to turn off FOV changes in ultimates/passives?

I'd have to check if its on the list - so no promises, but I'll do some digging.


dko5:我得先看看这个改动在不在我们的 To do list里面,不一定会改,但是我会记下来的。

Q:Do you have a set number of legends to be released?Also are there other heirlooms to be released?

We have plans to work on Apex for years to come, and internally we have a lot of Legends in various states of development. There is no magical "max roster" number or anything, but being that this is a character based battle royale I don't see us stopping any time soon.



Q:Has the issue with the Big Bois been fixed or coming up?

Neither shows shields when they get hit even if they have them, until you break their shields and then it pops when it breaks.

Also they both take direct health damage instead of taking reduced damage? It's really messed up.

A:Yes we've been working on that. I'm sorry I can't provide an ETA but fixes are coming.



Q:Any plans for another bonus XP event or challenges before Season 2?

Challenges no. Another bonus XP event is definitely possible.



Q:Ranked/Competitive mode,is this something you want to do further along the road or something that is in the pipeline or are you content with having this one single game mode and focusing your resources on that?Thanks for the update, best of luck to the studio.

a:We have definitely spent a lot of time thinking about for the future of Apex. As mentioned earlier we did envision Apex as a game that is competitive at its core during development and we have great interest in helping elevate that aspect of the game in the future.



Q:What are your plans to make progressing through the game feel rewarding?

Casual matches and pretty much nothing to gain after Level 100 obviously isn't enough for many players.

I also hope the various feedback for the Battle Pass is noted for Season 2, since right now, the Pass also gives no satisfaction of progressing through it.

We designed Apex Legends with a long-term core competitive identity to master over time as opposed to short-term novelty. I agree that we do not have enough of the right kind of player progression in the game at the moment and is something we're putting a lot of effort in to for players of all skill level.




Q:In addition to the changes to sound and its bugs (so relieved you guys have been hard at work with it!), has there been any consideration for changes to the sound mix itself? Footsteps and gunfire just seems... inconsistent at times.Also the kicker here, Mirage. You've mentioned about adjusting his ult, particularly the cloak and changing variables like hue and brightness, but his passive seems to have been left out. Any hopes of a change there? People love Mirage, I love Mirage, but he just feels a little lack-luster at times.

Any more detail you can provide on footsteps and gunfire inconsistency? We definitely spend a lot of effort on ensuring a detailed and comprehensible soundscape and want to ensure it is working as intended.

After recent balance changes it is clear that Mirage is slightly underperforming compared to other Legends. No plans to share at the moment, but we like to take a holistic approach to balancing characters to ensure they're where they need to be.



Q:Are you planning on making any changes to the existing colorblind modes, both in terms of the existing colors, and how they apply to in-game elements?

jayfresh:What specifically would you like to see for changes?

scriptacus:We've made some improvements (sorry, no details) that you can expect to see by Season 2.




Q:When I aim down my sights I can’t differentiate between team mates and enemies. The name disappears. There are many instances I was shooting at my own team mates. Is there a possibility that team mate have a green outline or something. That would be useful. Thanks.

There is always a fine balance between information and clutter. When it comes to down the barrel gunplay we tend to try and err on the side of keeping the picture sight clean. Good feedback, though!



Any QOL upgrades planned?

Any changes to season rewards? -There is nothing worth unlocking besides the rank 100+ items. Everything else is like... "leaves" skin for the mozambique. Feels like I paid $10 to grind so I don't need to pay $10 next season. Seems to be my only motivation right now.

Love the changes to Caustic/Gibraltar, they are 100% more playable now.

Yeah, lots of them. I can't give any details yet but when they are coming out we'll share more info. Please continue to give us feedback for the stuff you folks want to have.

We're very aware of the feedback on Season 1 and we'l see you in June! We hear you.

Rad! We're working to get a fix on the bug affecting damage going through shields but our data is showing improvement with them as well. Keep sending us feedback!








so this confirms we wont see watson till season 2 correct?

Can we look forward to any changes regarding crafting material acquisition?

Are there any weapons that you guys think might be iverpreforming? (Personally i think most weapons are in a really nice place right now)

Sorry, won't comment on future content at the moment.

Nothing to share on any economy changes at this time.

Right now nothing is really standing out as blatant or problematic, that said we're always watching data and reading feedback if any changes are needed.







Q:Are one of the reasons you guys can't say much because of new sites like titanfallblog taking you out of context and spreading misinformation?

Not calling any one site out in particular, as it is a common occurrence everywhere - but... kinda? For example, this blog post was started almost two weeks ago as the wording has to be just right and even then we already know there will be clickbait headlines as a result. You just can't avoid it, and its a part of life in games. It is for this reason that we tend to only post things that are as concrete as possible.



Q:So, we're gonna wait till June to see any new content added to the game? I don't think there's enough in the battlepass and even in terms of world building/changes to sustain players until then. Just my two cents.

As mentioned in the post, between now and June we're focusing on fixing some of the core issues the game currently has while continually working on additional content. At EA PLAY in June we will be showing off some of what is in store for Season 2.


差不多是这样啦~这段时间我们将会优先修复游戏bug,提高游戏体验,我们六月份的 EA play 见噜!

Q:Do you have a plan for competing with games like fortnight or pubg that release a lot more content more often? With the day and age of instant gratification, 3 months for new content, even such things as solo or due que might cause a large drop in player base. Part of the issue may be the lackluster content that was in season 1 (level badge for a season level for example). I do think last week's xp event was a nice step in the right direction! Keep up the good work.

We are continually working to remove content pipeline issues, hire quality devs, and maximize our ability to create features and content - but the reality is we're a relatively small team in the AAA space and we value our people and a good work/life balance. We do not currently have immediate plans todrasticallyincrease our release cadence.

That said, feedback on Season 1 has been very clear, and we agree with a lot of it. We've got a lot of awesome stuff we've been cooking on for a long time and can't wait to start showing some of it off at EA PLAY.

兄弟,看看隔壁吃鸡搞比赛搞得如火如荼,Apex 玩家流失这么严重你们不着急吗?三个月没有新内容发布这游戏真的会凉凉的。

说的没错,但是相比于数量我们更注重质量的沉淀。你们也知道 Respawn 是个小作坊,我们也更加注重员工的生活和工作质量,所以这件事情需要慢慢改善。









大概就这些,最后还要感叹一句 EA 和 Respawn 的程序员们真幸福……

