抖音Cha Cha Slide歌曲、歌词、在线试听地址介绍

暖阳 2018-03-27 13:52:37

有很多的小伙伴们都想知道抖音Cha Cha Slide是谁唱的,下面游戏吧小编为大家带来抖音Cha Cha Slide歌曲介绍,感兴趣的小伙伴们快来一起了解一下吧!

抖音Cha Cha Slide歌曲介绍

抖音Cha Cha Slide是Mr. C The Slide Man唱的!


This is something new

The Casper slide part two

Featuring the platinum band

And this time

We're going to get Funky!


Everybody clap your hands!

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap your hands!

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap your hands!

Alright now, we're going to do the basic step!

To the left!

Take it back now, y'all!

One hop this time!

Right foot, let's stomp!

Left foot, let's stomp!

Cha Cha real smooth!

Turn it out!

To the left!

Take it back now y'all!

One hop this time!

Right foot, let's stomp!

Left foot, let's stomp!

Cha Cha now y'all!

Last time we're getting funky!

To the right now!

To the left!

Take it back now y'all!

One hop this time!

One hop this time!

以上就是游戏吧小编暖阳为大家带来的抖音Cha Cha Slide歌曲介绍,更多精彩内容请关注游戏吧,或者在百度上搜索【Cha Cha Slide歌曲游戏吧】,即可在第一时间获得Cha Cha Slide歌曲的最新相关内容。


歌曲推荐: 歌曲排行 | 歌词找歌 | 歌星找歌

抖音游戏: 游戏大全 | 和平精英 | 王者荣耀

表情包: 表情宝大全 | 熬夜好爽 | 网恋加我

壁纸图片: 壁纸大全 | 僵尸兄弟 | 哪吒敖丙

热门头像: 头像大全长脖子猫 | 五人开黑
